I was pleased to read so many responses regarding my Zen Driving post. Most of you like the term and the meaning I assigned to it. Some even suggested various improvements to the procedure. I, my self, am also new to that thing, so I will have to try everything on the street. I will even test some ideas of my own. If only I had a theory to support the practice... Well, let's make some.
The Butterfly Valley in Rhodes, Greece is full of butterflies, (most of the brown stuff is butterflies - no, they are not dead, they are resting). This is irrelevant to the post, since you can't drive through the valley.
First of all, we need to clarify the purpose of Zen Driving. The purpose of Zen Driving is to have a personal experience that involves your vehicle and the environment. It is a way of feeling the environment through your vehicle. Now maybe some people will think "travelin-blogger just lost it", but the truth is I have always been a little crazy.